UC Berkeley Summer Sessions, Study Abroad and Lifelong Learning

Welcome to the Affiliate Resources Page

Berkeley Summer Sessions partners with universities, colleges, and schools throughout the world to bring students to the UC Berkeley campus for the summer. The summer program consists of more than 600 courses in 80 academic disciplines, including business, economics, engineering, computer science, and English as a Second Language. Seven different sessions of varying lengths are offered each summer, the first session beginning mid- to late-May.

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That's Berkeley

Get your students excited about UC Berkeley with this short video about our renowned institution showing scenes from campus, classrooms, and student life!

What's So Great About Summer Sessions?

Hear from students about their experience at UC Berkeley Summer Sessions and what makes it so valuable.

Be a Part of UC Berkeley Summer Sessions

Find out what it means to be part of UC Berkeley Summer Sessions.

Faculty Voice: English Department
Faculty Voice: Haas School of Business
Faculty Voice: College of Environmental Design
Student Testimonials
Link to Student Testimonials




1995 University Avenue, Suite 130
Berkeley, CA 94704-7026
(2 blocks west of campus, at the corner of University Avenue and Milvia Street